Insights -CX focused transition to remote

A CX Focused Transition to a Remote Operation

As part of NuAxis’ Service Desk and Desktop Support contract for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), we manage the bureau’s National Help Desk (NHD). At the beginning of the contract, due to space constraints, we were tasked with moving the NHD to a remote support model with all staff working from home. At the time, we received feedback from colleagues that a remote helpdesk would be impossible to manage and would have a negative impact on customer experience.

Our team, led by our Project Manager, Dan Orris, met this challenge head on by focusing our solution on Customer Experience. Since the initial shift to remote operations, we have expanded our team by 225% and significantly improved NHD’s reputation as the single point of contact for end users. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, our team was able to continue our remote operation and consistently improve services.

This success story is directly attributable to NuAxis’ continued focus on Customer Experience and Employee Experience. We recognize the invaluable role each agent plays in ensuring we deliver a delightful experience for our customers, and in turn, we provide our team members with ongoing support, mentorship, and career progression planning to foster dedicated and happy staff.