3 Quick Human-Centered Design Tactics to Get Your Project Unstuck 

Let’s take a second to set the stage: you’re a service desk manager and you’ve hit a wall on how to solve a tough challenge. Your team has lost momentum and isn’t sure how to move forward. Don’t panic! Human-centered design techniques can help get your project back on track. Here are three HCD tactics […]

CX and Security Deep Dive Part 2: How to Make it Work

Insights-CX and Security Deep Dive Part 2-How to make it work

Like it or not, CX and security must be teammates if we want to modernize federal IT, improve citizen trust, and meet the goals outlined in the President’s Management Agenda. We recently hosted a webinar to explore the tumultuous marriage of security and CX and found some common ground and new lessons! (You can watch the replay […]

Mastering the All-Encompassing NuAxis CX Process: Level 1 of CX Training

Insights - company-wide-event

NuAxis Innovations has committed to helping their federal customers fulfill their agency mission with increased ease and efficiency by improving their Customer Experience. The journey began with the goal of creating a capability which infuses CX into every aspect of how NuAxis solves its customers’ problems. Once this capability was established, we socialized a process […]

Why CX Matters: A Letter from Our Director

As we are preparing to do a company-wide event called “CXtravaganza”, a colleague asked why CX matters. Here is what our Director of CX, Amanda Chavez, had to say.