How Human-Centered Design Can Help the Help Desk

Image of happy person at desk with HCD icons in background

The operational components of the help desk are far from trivial. Agents and management teams are not only responsible for resolving customer issues, but also improving operations and service delivery. The group must understand their customer’s touchpoint and pain points, as well as their individual and collective needs. Digging deep into the customer’s needs requires […]

Evolution of the Help Desk


The help desk can be traced back to the early days of computing when businesses began to rely on technology to automate their operations. As computer systems grew more complex, it became necessary to have a dedicated team of information technology (IT) professionals to manage and support them. The first help desks were staffed by […]

How to Adapt and Improve Customer Service in a Post-COVID World

support team after covid

While I’d like to think all aspects of the pandemic are behind us, the truth is that the operational world we knew before COVID-19 is unlikely to return any time soon. Most of the workforce is remote or hybrid and corporations are downsizing their office needs. However, the demand for support continues to grow, and […]

Delivering IT to Your Doorstep

Insights - Delivering IT to your doorstep

The dramatic increase in remote work because of COVID-19 has profoundly impacted the U.S. Department of Labor’s ability to onboard employees across the United States. Due to limited personnel providing on-site coverage, DOL was faced with operating on a different set of parameters while continuing to receive overwhelming requests to onboard and offboard federal and […]