A database so effective it can set someone free. Innovation at the Congressional Executive Commission on China (CECC)
NGOs and activists using the public-facing database tracking political prisoners in China found it frustrating to use, therefore limiting their access to important information.
Working with stakeholder and Congressional staffers, NuAxis created a cleaner UI and smart database to better access this best-in-class data set.
Advocates around the world now access the database with ease, generate reports, and share critical information in real-time.

Non-profits and NGOs around the world depend on the public-facing database of the Congressional Executive Commission on China (CECC) to know the status of political prisoners in China.
The Problem
An open-source database that could act as a single source of truth for tracking political prisoners in China was an extremely welcome idea to NGOs and activists around the world. It’s a resource that’s badly needed, because it helps users create the data-based reports that they can use to appeal to governments, NGOs, and China itself for the release of political prisoners. Unfortunately, users of the public-facing database found it difficult to find and frustrating to navigate. It was a best-in-class database, yet it didn’t function as well as the CECC hoped it would.
CX In Action
By interviewing users from around the globe about how they initially search for the CECC database, how they eventually find it, and how they use it, NuAxis was able to gain insight into all the ways people interact with this CECC resource. Understanding what they find useful and frustrating, expected outcomes, success metrics, and unmet needs are all part of the customer experience discovery process.
The Solution
Interviews with stakeholders revealed the touchpoints of the CECC database that hindered their ability to access best-in-class data. This meant far more than unmet needs. Hanging in the balance were political prisoners with an actively engaged international community of activists looking to help, but who had a database standing in the way.
NuAxis worked with CECC leadership to analyze needs and create new, improved functionality. Intelligent features like a feed under the search area now show the most recent entries to the database that relate to the user’s profile preferences. The customer experience is not only understood but improved based on insights into how people use the database.
The Results
Working in partnership with CECC stakeholders, NuAxis created a simpler, cleaner user interface and database experience with smart features that constantly add value. The result is a widely used open-source public-facing tool that inspires loyalty and trust every time you use it.
Customer Impact
0 Additional Staff Needed
The robust, new CECC database system requires 0 additional dedicated staff.
6 Months from Idea to Innovation
From start to finish, the CECC database was upgraded in 6 months.
Two Very Enthusiastic Thumbs Up
External customers and internal researchers praise the upgrade as a game-changer in terms of day-to-day usability.